Sunday, January 11, 2015

All about juicing.

How are those New Year's Resolutions going?  Did you hit the gym? Go on a "diet" or start a juice cleanse?  Ahhh the infamous juice cleanse.


1.  Gives your digestive system a break.
2.  Helps to get out toxins.
3.  Reduce cravings.
4.  Gives your body a jump start.


1. Weight lost is typically water weight and almost always gained back.
2.  Some gain weight on a juice cleanse.
3.  Too much sugar in some juices.
4.  No fiber.

My thoughts, if you're going to do a juice cleanse, incorporate some food. Stay vegan, clean and low fat.  Typical juice cleanses are high carb and some end with high fat drinks, I don't agree with these cleanses.  A mix of high carbs/sugar and fat is not good for the digestion.  I have learned from experience being a raw vegan.  Douglas Graham has a great book on the 80/10/10 raw vegan lifestyle and explains why high fat and carbs/sugar do not mix well.


1.  Beware of a sugar overload.  Include organic fruits but don't go overboard.
2.  Use the Cronometer, (, to track calories.  Make sure to have 80% carbs and 10% fat & protein to keep your digestive system working properly.
3.  Add some steamed organic vegetables and steamed organic brown rice in the evening.  Keep the spicing to a minimum, enjoy the natural taste of the food.
4.  After the cleanse ease your body back into foods, wait a few days to add meat, poultry and fish back into your diet.
5.  Listen to your body, if you are gaining weight on the cleanse your body is telling you something.  Feed it!

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