Sunday, January 4, 2015

Do as I say, not as I do....

The most common question I get asked, "What does your diet consist of?"  I am always hesitant to respond.  To me, diet is almost like a fingerprint.  It is unique to you and what your body "likes". When you learn to listen to your body, you'll learn what your friendly foods are.   That's what I help teach my clients through elimination and testing.  Most people aren't able to test foods until they eliminate the common culprits.  Someone that has hypothyroidism will have a different starter plan than someone with diabetes.

I have gone through various diets.  I listen to my body and eat what I crave.  I'm able to do this because I've eliminated the "bad"cravings from my body.  Once the 21 day initial phase is completed, cravings are diminished and while you continue on your new lifestyle they decrease even further.   Different seasons seem to bring on different cravings and even more, I can sometimes eat foods that I previously reacted to!  For example, cucumbers. I can eat them in the summer months but in the winter my digestive system is not a fan.  In the winter I can drink coffee, (mind you it's organic & GMO free).  In September of 2014 I simply stopped eating meat and I have zero desire for chicken or fish which was previously something I ate 5-6 times a week.  I may go back to eating fish and chicken and I may not.  As of now I'm a gluten & soy free vegan who's main staple is brown rice.

I get my vitamin levels checked at least once a year.  My favorite test is the SpectraCell Micronutrient test:  Using these tests, I add vitamins & minerals my body is missing.   It is an incredible and comprehensive test that will also show how much of a vitamin or mineral your body needs.  This test along with listening to my body is what my "diet" consists of.

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