Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Probiotics: Hype or Help?

I know you've heard about probiotics.  There are so many in so many different forms.  Yogurt,  fermented foods and pill form.  Yogurts....I'm not a fan.  Why?  There are always additives and added sugars. Fermented foods are great, as long as the sodium content is low.  Unfortunately it's rare to find a low sodium fermented food without being homemade.   So that leaves us at probiotics in a pill form.  When you walk into a grocery store or health store probiotics are all over.

It can be overwhelming to choose the right probiotic. A probiotic should have at least 100 billion cfu and at least 8 strains of bacteria for the first 1 month, one I suggest is Garden for Life Ultimate Care 100 Billion or VSL #3. After 1 month I suggest at least 50 billion cfu and 8 strains of bacteria thereafter.  Mercola makes a great probiotic that has 70 billion cfu and does not need to be refrigerated.  Also, ReNew Life Probiotics 50 billion can be easily found in nutrition and some grocery stores. One problem with over the counter probiotics is that they use very cheap and synthetic ingredients.

I suggest taking 1 probiotic before every meal for the first 30-60 days.  Why before a meal?  Probiotics are GOOD bacteria.  Putting good bacteria in your gut before eating, (sometimes bad bacteria), prepares your digestive system.  Probiotics also clean your gut out of bad bacteria.  The digestive system is the primary system.

When your digestive system works properly, the rest of your body works well.  For example, there are many of my clients that eat dairy and breakout. Why?  Their digestive system has a tough time breaking down the dairy and the skin suffers.  When something like this happens, have an extra probiotic to pump your body full of good bacteria to help assist the digestive system.

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