Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Dangers of Microwave Popcorn

Beware!  The snack you thought was healthy is a toxic nightmare.  PFOA & Diacetyl are two chemicals that are found in microwave popcorn.

PFOA: The manufacturers of microwave popcorn coat the bags with a chemical that, according to the FDA, breaks down during the cooking process and forms a chemical called perfluorooctanoic or PFOA. The Environmental Protection Agency classifies PFOA as a likely carcinogen.

Diacetyl: A chemical called diacetyl is used to give microwave popcorn a butter flavor — but it also gives rise to bronchiolitis obliterans or "popcorn workers lung." There is disagreement over whether or not ordinary consumers who pop a bag or two a week are at risk, but one court awarded a consumer $7.2 million after developing popcorn lung. A Denver man said he developed the disease from eating two bags of microwave popcorn every day for 10 years. To avoid inhaling diacetyl, open freshly popped bags away from your face, and if you have an exhaust fan attached to your stove, turn it on. Conagra Foods removed it from their Act branded Microwave popcorn recently because it causes lung issues in workers. This ingredient is also linked to brain issues which cause Alzheimer’s Disease.

I know you're thinking, "Oh no, I have to walk away from my beloved popcorn!"  No, just pop it yourself or try out the recipe for Cauliflower Popcorn listed below.

Pop Your Own

Here’s the way to make popcorn on your stove top: Pour 3 tablespoons of olive oil or coconut oil into a heavy, 3 quart or larger pan and place on medium high heat. Put two kernels in, and when one has popped, pour in 1/3 cup of organic popcorn and cover pan. When corn begins to pop, shake constantly allowing steam to escape from popping kernels–otherwise popcorn will lose its crunch. Remove pan from heat immediately when popping stops or it will burn. Pour into a large bowl and season to taste!

Cauliflower Popcorn 
1 head cauliflower chopped
2 T olive oil
4 T white balsamic
salt to taste
Preheat oven to 425.  Spread chopped cauliflower onto a greased pan.  In a bowl, mix the oil, balsamic and salt.  With a brush, spread the oil mixture onto the cauliflower.  Roast in the oven for 45 minutes turning the pieces every 10-15 minutes until all sides are a golden like brown. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Let's Go Out to Eat!

Today I was working on a plan for a client.  I always offer to do a menu analysis of some restaurants they frequent.  While sending the suggestions I noticed a few tips I seem to consistently make.  

1.  What kid of oil?  Olive or coconut oil are my personal favorites. If a restaurant doesn't use one of these I ask for my item cooked with water.  As far as grill, blackened or baked...eat it how you like just watch the oil.    

2. Sodium this is a big one.  It's all over.  In the spices, all over chicken, fish and almost everything.  Simply ask the server when ordering to keep the salt off your food.  If you forget, drink some water with lemon to help flush the sodium out.   

3. Are the vegetables fresh or canned?  It makes a difference.  Canned vegetables have chemicals and are very high in sodium.  

5. Are you dairy and gluten free?  Dairy is found in creams and sauces.  Anything containing butter is considered dairy.  I recommend all my clients go dairy free, at least initially.  When we test dairy I recommend organic dairy.  Gluten is found in a majority of sauces and dressings.  Save the photo below to reference.  

Prepare yourself if possible.  Check out the menu online or ask me.  

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Truth About Soy

Soy seems to be in most processed foods.  Why?  Because it's cheap.  Even worse? It's not good for you. The impact of soy could be extremely harmful to your health.  One of the contributing factors to my thyroid condition is from using soy products when I was on a vegetarian diet.

So why is soy dangerous?  The vast majority of soy at your local market is not a health food. The exception is fermented soy and even worse GMO soy that is contaminated with large pesticide residues as the reason it is GMO is so they can spray the potent toxic herbicide Roundup on them to improve crop production by killing the weeds. Unlike the Asian culture, where people eat small amounts of whole non-GMO soybean products, western food processors separate the soybean into two golden commodities—protein and oil. And there is nothing natural or safe about these products. (Mercola.com)

Soy Danger #1: PhytoestrogensSoy is higher in phytoestrogens than just about any other food source. Phytoestrogens are plant-based estrogens that mimic estrogen in our bodies. An infant taking the recommended amount of soy formula is consuming a hormone load equivalent of 4 birth control pills a day! Is it any wonder we’ve seen such a dramatic rise in precocious puberty with young girls starting their periods at 6 and 7?  Scary.

Soy Danger #2: Goitrogenic
Just like my experience, foods that are goitrogenic are thyroid supressing.  Soy is the worst. Goitrogens work by preventing your thyroid from getting the necessary amount of iodine.

Soy Danger #3: PhytatesPhytates are enzyme-inhibitors that block mineral absorption in human digestive tract. Soy is extremly high in phytates.  Soy must be fermented in order to be digestible to humans. That means that if you eat soy at all, you should stick to fermented soy products like miso, tempeh, natto, or a naturally fermented soy sauce (tamari).

Soy Danger #4: Trypsin inhibitorsFinally soy is rich in trypsin inhibitors. Trypsin is a digestive enzyme we need to properly digest protein. Without enough trypsin, you’ll experience many digestive problems including stomach cramps, diarrhea, and bleeding. You’ll also be leaving yourself open to future problems with your pancreas.
Not convinced?  Do research for yourself.  It's important to be informed to understand what you're putting in your body.

The Truth About Soy: MercolaDangers of Soy: Optimum Choices

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Probiotics: Hype or Help?

I know you've heard about probiotics.  There are so many in so many different forms.  Yogurt,  fermented foods and pill form.  Yogurts....I'm not a fan.  Why?  There are always additives and added sugars. Fermented foods are great, as long as the sodium content is low.  Unfortunately it's rare to find a low sodium fermented food without being homemade.   So that leaves us at probiotics in a pill form.  When you walk into a grocery store or health store probiotics are all over.

It can be overwhelming to choose the right probiotic. A probiotic should have at least 100 billion cfu and at least 8 strains of bacteria for the first 1 month, one I suggest is Garden for Life Ultimate Care 100 Billion or VSL #3. After 1 month I suggest at least 50 billion cfu and 8 strains of bacteria thereafter.  Mercola makes a great probiotic that has 70 billion cfu and does not need to be refrigerated.  Also, ReNew Life Probiotics 50 billion can be easily found in nutrition and some grocery stores. One problem with over the counter probiotics is that they use very cheap and synthetic ingredients.

I suggest taking 1 probiotic before every meal for the first 30-60 days.  Why before a meal?  Probiotics are GOOD bacteria.  Putting good bacteria in your gut before eating, (sometimes bad bacteria), prepares your digestive system.  Probiotics also clean your gut out of bad bacteria.  The digestive system is the primary system.

When your digestive system works properly, the rest of your body works well.  For example, there are many of my clients that eat dairy and breakout. Why?  Their digestive system has a tough time breaking down the dairy and the skin suffers.  When something like this happens, have an extra probiotic to pump your body full of good bacteria to help assist the digestive system.

Monday, February 10, 2014


Whoa, I've been slacking.  It's been a while since I wrote....guess what happened?  My thyroid went on a rampage and decided to take over my body.  I fought and fought and guess what?  I won.  I've learned how to take control of my thyroid so it doesn't take control of me.  A majority of thyroid sufferers have ups and downs.  By changing my diet, I have more ups then downs.  So what did I do this time?  I did a raw vegan diet.  Holy extreme I know, but guess what?  It's worked and not only did I lose weight but I've reduced my thyroid medication.  So, I've decided to stick with this diet and my goal is to come off the medication completely.

Now, not one of my clients is a raw vegan.  In fact as of this moment, 100% of my clients are carnivores.  I'm totally ok with that.  What is important to me is finding a program that works for them.  I don't expect people to go on "extreme" programs.  The three programs I suggest are Paleo/AIP Paleo, The Clean Program and candida diet.  The program I suggest varies based on clients needs and wants.  I use these three because there is a great deal of information online and great recipes on Pinterest.  Now, there are situations when I have customized programs for individuals and I am completely ok to do that.  My goal is to make your program FUN so you'll stick with it.